AnTuTu Benchmark
AnTuTu Benchmark is a popular Android devices benchmarking utility, and many of the famous technique media take AnTuTu Benchmark as their primary utility while reviewing Android-based smart devices, include smart phones and tablets.
Current Version: 3.4
Size: 9.3MB
Requirements: Android 2.3 and above
Size: 9.3MB
Requirements: Android 2.3 and above
Get AnTuTu Benchmark from Google Play
AnTuTu 3DRating is a professional Android GPU performance test application. Different than AnTuTu Benchmark, 3DRating only focus on 3D part of GPU in Android devices, while 3D performance is the key performance to game software.
Current Version: 1.3.2
Size: 10.1 MB
Requirements: Android 2.3 and above
Requirements: Android 2.3 and above
Get AnTuTu Benchmark from following app stores:
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